OOPL: JPL Python

  • Spring 2022
  • 26 Apr - 24 May 2022


  • TTh, 10 am - 2 pm



Glenn Downing


Mark Lopez

Getting Started

  • Accept my invitation to Canvas to access the quizzes.
  • Sign up for a GitLab account and clone the class repo to access the examples, exercises, and notes.
    • git clone https://gitlab.com/gpdowning/oopl-jpl.git
  • Accept my invitation to Slack to participate in the community.
  • Sign up for a Zoom account. Ensure that you have the latest version of the app: 5.10.3.

What will the quizzes be like?

  • We'll start each session with a quiz.
  • The quizzes will be 4 min, closed book, multiple-choice, and two-stage on Canvas.

What will the lectures be like?

  • I'll use the Socratic Method to have a discussion with you about some part of the material, often involving a piece of code.
  • I will always be courteous and respectful regardless of your level of experience, and you will find that those interactions will really get to the issues that you're having trouble with and you will learn a lot more.
  • That then makes the class highly interactive, so I respectfully request that you refrain from using your phones, tablets, or laptops during class unless we're doing an exercise.

What will the exercises be like?

Can I ask questions outside of class?

  • Slack will allow you to ask questions outside of class that everyone will get to see and that when I answer, everyone will be able to benefit from.
  • Please don't be shy about asking questions on the forum. No technical question is too basic to ask when learning new concepts and everyone will benefit from seeing the questions and the answers.
  • It's also possible for you to answer questions on that forum and that's also very valuable.

What is expected of me?

  • I would like this class to feel like a community. To that end, I request that you follow these guidelines.
  • Communicate with me about any problems you're having or about any special help that you might need, and please make it a point to communicate with each other, as well.
  • Interact heavily during the class. Whatever questions you have don't hesitate to bring them up. I am very confident that others in the class will have the same questions. No question about the subject is inappropriate, regardless of what background you may be missing. Getting answers to your questions is the only way to really get value out of the class.
  • Be on time at the start of class.
  • I very much welcome any suggestions you may have for improving the class.
  • You will get out of this class what you put into it. Please be positive, proactive, and respectful in making this class what you want it to be.
  • Come to office hours!!!

Copyright © Glenn P. Downing, 2000-2022
Updated 22 Apr 2022